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PLC Mitsubishi FX2N

KodeMitsubishi PLC
Kategori Mitsubishi PLC
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PLC Mitsubishi FX2N

Kami Menjual PLC Mitsubishi FX2N

MITSUBISHI PLC FX2N series base units are available with 16, 32, 48, 64, 80 or 128 input/output points
It is possible to choose between relay and transistor output type.
Triac output types for 110 V AC for sink/source are also available.

Special Features of MITSUBISHI PLC FX2N series

  • Exchangeable interface modules for direct mounting into a base unit
  • Standard programming unit interface
  • LEDs for indicating the input and output status
  • Detachable terminal blocks (except for 16 I/O base units)
  • Slot for memory cassettes for up to 16 k steps PLC program
  • Integrated real-time clock


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PLC Mitsubishi FX2N

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